Just Released
… My newest CD….
“ The Ukulele Nuthouse”

Available now on iTunes, Amazon, Cdbaby
or just click here

Here’s a small sample of the title track
Please check out my other CDs HERE.
101 Hot Harmonica Licks
This e-book comes complete with tablature, mp3 samples of each hot lick played at different tempos and play-a-long tracks to practice them with.An incredible bargain for only $19.95 Click the link below to read more, download a sample preview or to order
Howdy folks and welcome to Harmonica Lesson Videos. My name is SandyWeltman. We have plenty of downloadable harmonica lessons here for every level player in many genres of music including, blues, jazz,bluegrass irish and more.. Please explore to your hearts content and thanks for stopping by.

"Sandy Weltman is the most versatile harmonica player in St. Louis - bar none!"
The St.Louis Bluesletter